
SAPPHIRINE – Vangaindrano, Fianorantsoa, Madagascar


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SKU: SZM2437 Categories:, Tags:,

Product Description

Sapphirine is an ancient mineral described around 1920, very common in some types of metamorphic rocks. But curiously, very very rarely encountered in the state of crystals well automorphes. The first potables to be collected were found in Madagascar about 25 years ago. The largest crystals discovered were 2.50 to 3 cm, bluish grey but with rounded faces. It is therefore safe to say that this discovery completely redefines this species from the point of view of the collector both by their size and by their crystallization with sharp, well-defined edges. For crystals on matrix, they are surrounded by Anorthoclase. It is this mineral that allows Sapphirine to develop properly and completely, contrary to the first discovery 25 years ago. The matrix is composed of Biotite and Sillimanite. Here, exceptional full pluricentimetric crystal, perfect, with its clearly visible growth levels. The edges are sharp, clean, the faces are glossy and all in perfect condition. This piece is the only one we have seen with all its features. All the photos and the video are to be seen to apprehend this specimen in the best way.

Vangaindrano, Fianorantsoa, Madagascar

4,20 x 3 x 0,95 cm

25 grams

Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg
Dimensions 4.2 × 3 × 0.95 cm


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