
TOURMALINE – Antandrokomby pegmatite, Ambositra, Amoroni Mania, Madagascar


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SKU: SZM3014 Categories:, Tags:,

Description du produit

Discovered in 2020 for this specimen of Tourmaline from Madagascar. The crystal is very particular because its termination and its center are totally gems, but its surface and the edges of the tip are more opaque. To the touch, it feels like a cat s tongue: rasping in one direction and soft in the other. In backlight, the color of the Tourmaline is flamboyant red and you can see the gem quality of the crystal. In natural light, we see that the crystal is blood red with exceptional crystallization.

Antandrokomby pegmatite, Ambositra, Amoroni Mania, Madagascar

4,60 x 2,90 x 2,20 cm

60 grammes

Informations complémentaires

Poids 0.06 kg
Dimensions 4.6 × 2.9 × 2.2 cm


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